Converse University Key Control System

Policy Owner
Campus Safety
Responsible Office(s)
Campus Safety, Human Resources

1. The Director of Campus Safety or Designee shall be responsible for implementing and maintaining a strict key control system. 

● Requests for all exterior and interior door keys shall be made to Campus Safety. 

● The Director of Campus Safety or Designee shall consult with Vice Presidents, Deans,  and Directors regarding the issuance of interior and exterior door keys. This process will include a key request form. 

● The key request form must include the signatures of the person the key is issued; the Vice  President of the area in question; and the Dean, Director or Chair of the department. Upon  completion of the form, the Director of Campus Safety or Designee may approve or deny the  request.  

● No approvals will be granted for requests made outside of the department area.  ● The Director of Campus Safety or designee shall be the only authority to have locks changed and new keys issued. NOTE: There will be no charge for a broken key returned;  however, if a key is lost, a fee will be charged to the responsible party to replace the key and the lock.  

Key requestors will be fined $75 for a lost key, plus $50 to change the lock and $50  for each additional door the key operated.  

● Requests for door openings will be granted to key holders. After 1 request within a year  timeframe, there will be a charge of $25 per occurrence This applies to Faculty, Staff and  Students.  

2. The Director of Residence Life will be responsible for issuing and collecting residence hall room keys. This individual shall also file replacement key and lock requests with the  Director of Campus Safety. Students are assessed $75 for lost keys. A total of $150 if a door has to be re-cored. This process will also apply to the Director of Event Services. Members of the university community (faculty, staff, and contractual employees) will be required to sign for any key issued to them. Keys will only be issued for their specific area.

3. All exterior doors will be secured and opened by Campus Safety officers at designated times. 

4. During non-business hours, university faculty and staff not issued keys must notify  Campus Safety when they need to enter a secured facility. For faculty and staff that have been  issued keys to their respective areas, they too must notify Campus Safety that they are in a  building and make a second call when they leave. NOTE: Personnel entering a secured  facility after hours will be responsible for re-locking the door. 

5. Only Campus Safety, Director of Residence Life, and certain Facilities Department administrators may possess exterior door keys. Student workers, graduate assistants, and part-time employees will not be issued keys to any exterior doors unless approved by Campus Safety  Director or Designee. A valid reason MUST be given on the request form 

6. Faculty and staff must return all Converse keys to Campus Safety or HR prior to resignation or termination of employment. A fee will be assessed for any keys not returned. 7. In the event the key holder moves offices and/or buildings, all keys must be returned to  Campus Safety or the locksmith prior to new keys being issued.


The purpose of the key control system is to limit the number of keys issued for university facilities, maintain knowledge of personnel with possession of keys, and improve the safety and security of the campus community. 

Version History

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Revision Summary
Version History