Accidental Damage and Theft or Loss of Company-owned Devices

Policy Owner
Campus Technology
Responsible Office(s)
Campus Technology, Human Resources
Definitions and Acronyms

3.0 Definitions 

Accidental Damage: Any unforeseen event resulting in physical harm or impairment to a device, including but not limited to drops, spills, impacts, and other unintentional incidents. 

Theft: The unauthorized taking of a company device with the intent to deprive the company of it. 

Loss: The unintentional placement of a company device in a location unknown to the employee. 



4.0 Reporting Procedures 

4.1 Accidental Damage: 

Employees are required to report any accidental damage to company devices immediately to their supervisor and Campus Technology. The report should include details of the incident, the extent of damage, and any relevant circumstances surrounding the event. 

4.2 Theft/Loss: 

In the case of theft or loss, employees must: 

● Report the incident to their supervisor and Campus Technology immediately. ● File a police report if the equipment was stolen (applicable for off-campus theft). ● File a report with Campus Safety if the equipment was stolen (applicable for on-campus theft only).

5.0 Assessment and Repair (Accidental Damage) 

Upon receiving a report of accidental damage, the Campus Technology team will assess the extent of damage and determine the appropriate course of action. This may involve repair, replacement, or other remedial measures as deemed necessary. 

6.0 Responsibility for Damages and Departmental Chargeback 

Employees are responsible for exercising reasonable care when utilizing company devices. Accidental damage charges incurred as a result of negligence or misuse will be charged back to the user's departmental budget. The department head or designated budget manager will be responsible for approving and allocating funds for such charges. 

7.0 Exclusions 

This policy does not cover damages resulting from: 

● Intentional misuse 

● Negligence 

● Unauthorized alterations to company devices 

Employees found to be in violation of company policies or engaged in willful misconduct may be held liable for the cost of repairs or replacement. 

8.0 Return of Lost or Stolen Devices 

If a device that was reported lost or stolen is recovered, the employee must immediately return it to the Campus Technology department for security checks, and data wiping. 

9.0 Compliance 

All employees are expected to comply with the provisions of this policy and any related procedures or guidelines established by the company. 

10.0 Policy Review 

This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and relevance to the needs of the organization. Any updates or revisions to the policy will be communicated to all employees in a timely manner. 

11.0 Conclusion 

Accidental damage, theft, and loss of company devices can disrupt business operations and incur significant costs. By adhering to the procedures outlined in this policy, employees can help mitigate risks and ensure the timely resolution of any incidents involving company-owned electronic equipment.


Policy Statement

The policy applies to all faculty, staff, adjunct, and consultant roles.




1.0 Purpose 

This policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for handling accidental damage, theft, and loss of company-owned devices, including but not limited to laptops, smartphones, tablets, and other electronic equipment. 


2.0 Covered Devices 

This policy applies to all electronic devices owned or leased by the company and issued to employees for work-related purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, laptops, desktop computers, smartphones, tablets, and any other electronic equipment designated for business use. 

Version History

Revision Date
Approval Body
Revision Summary
Version History