Zero Tolerance for Workplace Violence, Firearms, other Weapons, and Fireworks

Policy Owner
Campus Safety
Responsible Office(s)
Campus Safety, Human Resources, Provost

Workplace violence is unlawful and is against University policy. Violent behavior will not be tolerated. Any employee who instigates or participates in workplace violence may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, and may also be subject to any applicable criminal charges. In addition, the University does not tolerate abusive or offensive comments, threats, or stalking. Any employee who instigates or participates in abusive or offensive comments, threats, or stalking may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, as well as any applicable criminal charges.

All employees, except Campus Safety Officers, are prohibited from using, displaying, or carrying firearms or any other lethal weapons on any University property. Employees or visitors carrying or possessing any weapons will be denied access to University premises. Campus Safety Officers shall only be allowed to carry or possess pre-authorized weapons on University property and shall do so in a manner that complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and University policies.

An employee who knows or suspects that an actual or potential violation of this policy should immediately report any such knowledge or suspicion to his or her supervisor or vice-president, to Campus Safety, or to some combination thereof.

All fireworks are prohibited on campus unless sanctioned for a campus event. Employees who violate this prohibition may be disciplined and discharged for such conduct.

Please note that House Bill 3594 was signed by SC Governor McMaster on March 7, 2024. It authorizes individuals who are not otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm, to legally possess a firearm openly or concealed without training and without a concealed weapons permit issued by SLED. This legislation does not apply on Converse property or any Converse function held off campus.

Converse University remains "No Firearms on Campus" per University policy. The only exception to this policy is licensed Campus Safety Officers on - or off-duty or auxiliary officers. Signage is located at East Main St., Drayton Ave., Fairview entrance to Belk Lot, Twichell Lot at Fairview, and the Weisiger entrance to campus. Firearms are prohibited for students, including vehicles anywhere on campus, as per the student, faculty, administrative and staff handbooks.  Anyone seen with, or known to have, a firearm on campus will be asked to leave immediately, regardless of campus status. 

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