Curricular Programs Committee


  • The Provost acts as chair. The Registrar, Associate Provost for Student Success, Dean of the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Dean of the School of Business and Data Science, the Dean of the School of the Arts, the Dean of the School of Education, and the Dean of the Graduate School serve as ex officio members. In CPC, ex officio members do not have voting privileges. (See Article VI, Section 5 of the Senate Charter. The Charter is found in Appendix D, beginning on page 133.)


  • The Curricular Programs Committee weighs all significant proposed additions, deletions, or changes in the undergraduate curriculum in light of the stated purposes of the University, the needs of the students, and the ability of the affected departments or areas to support their curricular offerings.
  • The Committee responds to student petitions. On those petitions which fall within existing policy established by the faculty in areas such as overloads, course exemptions, and Directed Independent Studies, the Provost may take action or may refer the petition to the Committee for final action. Petitions which raise issues outside the scope of established policy are referred to the Faculty Senate with the Committee’s recommendation.
  • The Committee keeps minutes of its actions and the major points considered on file in a shared drive.  These minutes are accessible to any faculty member.

Procedures of the Curricular Programs Committee follow:

  • A member of the Committee records the minutes of the meeting. These minutes are given to the administrative assistant in the Office of the Provost, who will forward the minutes and other documents to the President of the Senate.
  • The Committee refers all approved and rejected curricular proposals to the Faculty Senate as seconded motions, where any Senator may move, with second, to reconsider the decision of the Curricular Programs Committee. The President of the Faculty Senate brings actions of the Curricular Programs Committee before the Senate for questions, discussion, or debate. The chair of the Curricular Programs Committee, or the designated representative, is present to answer questions and to discuss issues with members of the Senate and attending faculty.
  • Curricular actions referred to the general faculty come in the form of a seconded motion after the faculty has the opportunity to read the proposals prior to the meeting. For each curricular action, the Senate President calls for any questions, comments, or motions. If no motions are forthcoming, the actions are considered endorsed by the general faculty and this constitutes formal faculty action. If motions are duly made and seconded from the floor, they are decided by a simple majority vote of the eligible faculty voting.
  • The Committee may invite faculty members to their meetings in order to clarify curricular proposals or to respond to questions the Committee may have.
  • Any faculty member who wishes to attend a Committee meeting in order to discuss a curricular proposal under review may do so.