The Faculty of the University (Personnel Definition)

For the purposes of personnel procedures, employees with Administrative and Faculty duties are considered faculty when at least 50% of the workload is Faculty related. This Faculty Handbook outlines policies and is a guideline of employment for the faculty.


The faculty shall consist of, and the full-time employment provisions of this Faculty Handbook shall apply only to, those persons named as members of the faculty in the following provision of the By-Laws of Converse University: Art. III, Sect. 1.

Provisions of this Faculty Handbook other than full-time employment provisions apply to all instructional faculty of the University. In addition, non-full-time faculty members (adjunct faculty) are governed by the provisions of the Converse University Adjunct Faculty Handbook. Part-time faculty members may attend faculty meetings and participate in the discussions but are not empowered to vote.

At the discretion of the President, members of the Board of Trustees or other members of the University community may be invited as visitors to attend meetings of the faculty. The President of the Faculty Senate is an Advisor to the Converse University Board of Trustees, with a “seat and voice in plenary sessions but no vote therein.” (Article V, Section 1, By-Laws of Converse University)


Subject to the general control of the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees and in cooperation with the administrative officers, the faculty should be particularly concerned with the following matters:

  • The establishment and maintenance of academic standards;
  • The requirements for degrees;
  • The curriculum; and
  • Advising in matters affecting the general welfare of the University.

Note: As an expression of University policy, the curriculum is the principal means for the realization of the University’s purpose. Since it determines to a large extent the size of the annual budget, it is therefore the joint responsibility of the Board of Trustees, the administration, and the faculty.

Control over the undergraduate curriculum is vested in the Curricular Programs Committee. Control over the Curriculum for Graduate Programs is within the Graduate Council. Approval by the Board of Trustees is necessary for any curricular change that involves an alteration of University policy or an important financial consideration.