7. Smoking, Tobacco and COVID Policy

Converse University seeks to provide a safe, healthy, and comfortable environment in which all members of our campus community can live and work. Converse University and The American College Health Association support the findings of the Surgeon General and acknowledge that any form of tobacco use, whether active or passive, is a significant health hazard. The Environmental Protection Agency and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health have both classified second-hand smoke as a known carcinogen (cancer causing). The University realizes that a smoke and tobacco-free environment is a goal we can achieve, through intentional and positive steps to ensure a healthier environment. In pursuit of this goal, Converse University became a tobacco-free campus effective August 1, 2012.

  1. Use of any tobacco products is prohibited across the entire campus including the parking lots, campus walkways and all Converse-owned or leased buildings and vehicles.
  2. The sale or advertisement of tobacco and smoke products is prohibited on campus and in all University publications.
  3. All visitors and vendors working on campus are expected to comply with this policy.
  4. Enforcement of the policy is the responsibility of all members of the Converse community. Faculty, staff and students are expected to uphold and enforce the policy for the health and safety of our campus.
  5. Campus Safety Officers may issue a smoking citation with fine of $25 when a violation is noted.
  6. Continual violations of the policy may result in disciplinary action. Failure on the part of faculty or staff may result in administrative action up to and including discharge. Failure on the part of students to follow this policy may result in a violation adjudicated by the appropriate board or administrative sanctioning, which could include but is not limited to community service, monetary fines, and/or suspension from the University. Visitors to the campus who repeatedly violate the policy may be asked to leave University property.


The expectation of Converse University is to follow public health guidance while on campus. COVID policies and personal safety practices are implemented as precautionary safety measures for students, faculty and the Converse community. Students and faculty agree to follow CDC guidance for slowing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. They self-monitor for the development of symptoms and adhere to the University's guidance on COVID and absence reporting requirements to the wellness center. All students and faculty are required to understand and abide by the current University COVID-19 policies and guidelines. Converse reserves the right to modify these policies as may be reasonably necessary for operations and the best interest of the Institution. Current policies, guidelines and additional resources can be found on the COVID-19 resources page.