Vacation Leave

  1. The University provides vacation leave with pay for eligible employees. Vacation leave is determined by the employee's length of service with the University and/or entry-level at the time of hiring. Vacation leave is earned for full-time employees as follows:

    Vacation Accruals summary:
Position Length of Service Monthly Accruals


Amount of Annual Vacation
    Fulltime- 12 Months Part-time 12 Months 28-34 hours per week Fulltime 10/11 Months Part-time 9 Months 28-34 hours per week Fulltime-12 Months Part-time 12 Months 28-34 hours per week Fulltime 10/11 months Part-time 9 Months 28-34 hours per week
Administrative Staff 0-5 years 6.67 hours 4.67 hours 4.67 hours 2.67 hours 80 hours- 2 weeks 56 hours 56 hours 32 hours
  5-10 years 10 hours 7 hours 4.67 hours 2.67 hours 120 hours-3 weeks 84 hours 56 hours 32 hours
  10 or more years 13.33 hours 9.33 hours 4.67 hours 2.67 hours 160 hours- 4 weeks 112 hours 56 hours 32 hours


     Vacation accruals based on position:

Position Length of Service Amount of Vacation
Vice President/Dean   160 hours (max)

0-5 years

6 or more years

120 hours

160 hours (max)

Administrative Staff

0-5 years

6-10 years

11 or more years

80 hours

120 hours

160 hours (max)

  1. Vacation leave is earned on a monthly basis for full-time employees. Other classes of employees may earn vacation leave on a pro-rata basis. Vacation leave may only be taken after it is earned. Vacation is not accrued during periods of extended unpaid leave greater than one month (paid or unpaid family medical leave or military leave).
  2. Effective July 1, 2022, fulltime employees of Converse University have a maximum accrual of 240 hours. Part-time employees and employees working less then less than 12 months the maximum accrual is pro-rated
  3. When voluntarily terminating employment, accrued, unused vacation may be paid out up to a maximum of 40 hours, subject to abiding by providing the required amount of working notice as described in the Resignation/ Retirement Notice policy (V-R)_; or in the event of unexpected life circumstance such as death.
  4. When employment is involuntarily terminated for cause, the employee is ineligible to be paid any unused, accrued vacation. In the event of termination for any reason, pay for unaccrued vacation leave time that the employee has already taken will be deducted from the employee’s final paycheck, and pay for any accrued but unused vacation leave may be added to the final paycheck up to 40 hours, at the discretion of the employer.
  5. Vacation leave is customarily used for vacation, but it may also be used for:
    • religious observance,
    • adverse weather,
    • family leave,
    • medical or dental appointments and sick leave - when all earned Personal is exhausted.
  6. Vacation leave normally requires a reasonable advance request to the supervisor who approves or denies the request based on department operating needs and other requests from employees within the department.