Students accused of a violation of the Converse University Honor policy are assured of the following:
The University may act as the accuser.
Neither the accused nor the accuser has a right to external representation or Legal Counsel.
The accused student, whether requesting sanction hearing or board hearing, has the right to:
have specific charges outlined and explained
address the charges and confront the accuser
be treated in a civil and respectful manner
seek advice and assistance from any member of the Converse Faculty or Staff (However, the accused must present their case by themself.)
If the case is resolved by a hearing, the following rights are also implied:
The right to have specific charges outlined in a letter that will be delivered at least 48 hours in advance of scheduled hearing procedures
The right to hear all evidence presented during the hearing and to question witnesses
The right to call material witnesses deemed necessary and as approved by the Honor Board Chair at least 24 hours prior to the hearing
The right to call up to two character witnesses during the sanctioning process
Following the outcome of a hearing the following rights are implied:
The right to know the outcome of the hearing
The right to follow up documentation, and if found responsible, all sanctions for the charges
The right to request a meeting with the Honor Board Chair and Advisor to the Honor Board to understand the outcome of the hearing
The right to an appeal through the Dean of Students who will call together members of the University Appeals Board (see appeal process).