Computer Systems Security


All servers (computer systems) at Converse University that have files and programs stored on them shall be considered confidential, private, and the property of the University. All users are given their own network storage space, which they may use for storing document files as well as other directories assigned according to their needs.

Campus Technology is responsible for safeguarding the confidentiality and privacy of the programs and files on the servers and personal computers. This responsibility is to be shared by all users.

All faculty, staff, and students are given a unique user identification and password known only to that user. Each user will be held responsible for all activities attributed to that user identification. Therefore, no user shall share their password with others. Users are to use passwords that are difficult to guess and are to change their passwords frequently.

The absence of security protection on a file or resource shall not imply permission to access that file or resource.

Everyone must ensure that all reasonable measures are taken to restrict access to files containing confidential information and that all applicable laws and standards are followed.

Campus Technology may implement security procedures that require users to choose passwords that are difficult to guess and can force a user to change them at a given interval.

Campus Technology must be notified by the Human Resources Office immediately upon the termination of an employee or by the Registrar’s Office of a change in student status of any individual that has access to Converse University computer systems. This notification may allow for the deletion of the stated person’s user account, thus protecting the security of Converse University computer systems and files.

These guidelines shall apply to all programs and data files within any computer system, whether the files belong to a student, faculty member, staff member, or any other member of the Converse University community.

Anyone who has knowledge of an attempt by anyone to violate these guidelines shall make known this violation to Campus Technology, who will take this information to the Vice President for Finance and Business.

Any person guilty of violating the security of any files or programs shall be subject to disciplinary action by the University.

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