There are four categories of separation from the University:
1. Leave of Absence
A student in good standing may take a leave of absence from their studies at Converse for one academic term and a maximum of one year.
The leave may be approved for various reasons, including but not limited to financial considerations, travel plans, medical needs, personal reasons, or alternate schooling. If, after a leave of absence of one academic year (fall and spring semester) a student does not subsequently enroll, the student will automatically be withdrawn from the University.
To be granted a leave of absence during a term, the procedures listed below must be followed:
Upon request, the student will be provided the Leave of Absence signature form from one of the following offices:
Associate Provost for Student Success
Dean of Students
Wellness Center
The student will obtain the following signatures:
Dean of Students
Associate Provost for Student Success
Financial Planning
Student Accounts
The student will return the completed signature page to the Office of the Registrar.
Students who are granted a leave of absence during the term will receive a grade of W in the regular terms (Fall and Spring) until two weeks before the end of any course during the regular term and four days prior to the last day of Jan Term. Students who do not complete documentation will receive a grade of “F” unless, for reasons of health or family emergency, the student provides appropriate evidence of treatment and receives the approval of the appropriate dean in consultation with the representative of the Wellness Center.
A leave of absence from the University may negatively impact a student’s financial aid eligibility if the student has not completed a sufficient number of hours. For further information concerning financial aid, contact the Financial Planning Office.
2. Withdrawal
A student may choose to withdraw from the University at any time. To be granted a withdrawal the following procedure must be followed:
Upon request the student will be emailed the link to the “Separation from the University” Google form by one of the following offices:
Associate Provost for Student Success • Dean of Students
Wellness Center
The student will complete the form; the completed form will be sent to the Wellness Center. Within 1-2 business days of completing the form, a counselor from the Wellness Center staff will email the student with the Separation from the University signature form.
The student will obtain the following signatures:
Dean of Students OR
Associate Provost for Student Success
Financial Planning
Student Accounts
The student will return the completed signature page to the Office of the Registrar.
Students who complete a withdrawal during the term will receive a grade of W in the regular terms (Fall and Spring) until two weeks before the end of any course during the regular term and four days prior to the last day of Jan Term. No one may withdraw from a course after this final date. Students who do not complete documentation will receive a grade of “F” unless, for reasons of health or family emergency, the student provides appropriate evidence of treatment and receives the approval of the appropriate dean in consultation with the representative of the Wellness Center.
A withdrawal from the University may negatively impact a student’s financial aid eligibility. For further information contact the Financial Planning Office.
3. Administrative Withdrawal
The University reserves the right to suspend, expel or enforce the withdrawal of any student whose academic standing is unsatisfactory, who violates the Honor Code, who persistently violate University regulations, or whose influence, by word or deed, is determined to be injurious to the best interests of the student body or the institution.
The University, upon the advice of its professional staff, may require a student to withdraw temporarily from the University for medical or psychological reasons. In these cases, the student will be encouraged to seek professional care. Such action is not taken for punitive reasons, but because the welfare of the individual and community mandates this procedure.
4. Involuntary Withdrawal Policy
The University is committed to providing student health and counseling services which promote optimal educational opportunities for all its students. However, there are occasions when a student’s physical or emotional health places unmanageable risks on the individual or the University. To ensure that the institution and its members may carry out their proper activities, the University has adopted policies and procedures for the involuntary withdrawal of students.
These policies and procedures apply to students:
- who pose a threat of danger and /or injury to themself or others, and/or who pose a threat of disruption of the lawful activities or educational processes of other members of the campus community, and/ or who pose a threat of destruction of the property of the University or others, and/or who are severely disruptive to others, including behavior which causes emotional, psychological or physical distress to fellow students or staff substantially above that normally experienced in daily life. Disruption may be in the form of a single incident or somewhat less severe but persistent disruption over a more extended period. And/or who create an unusual responsibility to monitor, supervise, treat, protect, or restrain the student to ensure the student's safety and the safety of those around them, and/or whose physical or psychological disorder is such as to require highly specialized services beyond those available locally, and whose condition will deteriorate without additional resources, as deemed by the Director of Counseling or counseling staff, and/or who refuse or are unable to cooperate with a recommended evaluation or treatment procedure that the Dean or other University staff considers necessary to provide reasonable assurance of the safety of the student or others in the community.
For further information see the Student Handbook.