This 60-hour clinical is a clinical experience for special education or those seeking an add-on in intellectual disabilities to their certification. Teacher candidates will plan, implement, and assess instructional procedures for students with intellectual disabilities. The first clinical experience occurs in an elementary setting. It provides an opportunity for teacher candidates to complete a “Student Learning Project” for an individual student. Lesson planning, assessment, evaluation, grading techniques, case studies, and classroom management strategies will be addressed and practiced. The second school-based experience occurs at a high school and provides opportunities for teacher candidates to plan, implement, and reflect on effective teaching practices. The teacher candidate is expected to work collaboratively with the cooperating teacher in all classroom activities to demonstrate growth in South Carolina Teaching Standards (SCTS 4.0) and the ability to plan, teach, assess, and demonstrate the appropriate professional dispositions and behaviors.
SED 300, SED 397, SED 398
Major credit.