It is not the intention of this department to deny the student-athlete individual rights; however, we do prescribe a social conscience consistent with the laws of this state and nation.
The State of South Carolina has a legal drinking age of twenty-one (21). If you are under 21, you are violating the law if you drink. Further, you violate several laws if you are 21 and provide alcohol to a minor. Please be sensible. Also, remember since you have chosen to be an athlete, you have accepted certain responsibilities. Your actions are more closely scrutinized by your peers and especially by “outsiders”. Understand your privileges and your responsibilities.
While the department does not have a blanket policy regarding alcoholic beverages, each head coach has the right to determine a policy for their team. You are expected to abide by the rules established by your coach and will be subject to any consequences associated therewith in the case of a violation. You will also be held accountable for the Converse University Alcohol Policy as outlined in the Student Handbook.
Important Note: You need to be aware alcohol in your system will show up on a drug test. Although alcohol is not a banned substance by the NCAA, a positive result will subject you to University violations if you are under 21 years of age. You will be notified by the athletic department upon receipt of the results and will be asked to turn yourself in to the Civitas Council for violation of the Converse University Alcohol Policy.