Student-Athlete Behavioral Statement

Participation in Converse Athletics is a privilege, and student-athletes are expected to behave in a manner that will reflect positively on their teams and University. As representatives of Converse Athletics and Converse University, it is the responsibility of the student-athletes to make positive decisions on campus and in the community. Behaviors that violate these expectations and reflect poorly on the student-athlete, athletic department, and University will be met with proportional consequences. Such behaviors will be identified at the discretion of the senior athletic administration but may include activities involving alcohol, drugs, illegal performance-enhancing substances, tobacco, and vaping, as well as bullying, harassment, hazing, vandalism, theft, assault, and illegal acts resulting in police and/or campus safety involvement. Offenses of this nature will be evaluated on an individual basis and may result in suspension or removal from Converse Athletics, as determined by the senior athletic administration. Alcohol and drug-related offenses that result in police involvement may also be treated as violations of the Converse University Student-Athlete Behavioral Policy and may result in consequences in excess of those mentioned and University code of conduct. If a student-athlete is charged with serious misconduct by the University, he/she may be permanently removed by the senior leadership team within athletics.