Commuting Students

Converse understands that commuting students may have a variety of interests, experiences, and obligations outside of the University. These interests and obligations are recognized as important to the well-being and personal development of commuting students. Therefore, Converse offers many programs and activities on campus that commuting students find helpful and beneficial to a well-rounded college experience. Converse encourages all students to get involved in many aspects of campus and community life to fully develop skills and interests.

All traditional undergraduate students under age 24 admitted for enrollment beginning after Spring 2024, will be required to live on campus unless they graduated from a Spartanburg County high school and plan to make their home with their parents/legal guardian in their permanent residence in Spartanburg County. Currently enrolled Converse students will be grandfathered into the policy at their time of initial enrollment. Students with custodial children residing with them and/or students who are married may reside off-campus, and must submit in writing to the Dean of Students a request for a waiver from this policy. Students who are married may continue to reside in Converse University residence halls; however, marital status does not change the visitation policy and spouses are subject to the standard visitation policy requirements. If Converse students marry each other, they may not reside together in on-campus housing housed as a couple. The university does not offer family or married student housing at this time. Infractions of this policy will be handled by the Dean of Students. Students found in violation of this policy may be charged University room and board fees. 

Commuter students are required to abide by the same social and academic regulations as students residing on campus. Converse II is a special program for students 25 years and older. Converse II students are expected to abide by the same social and academic regulations.

Child Care

No child care center is available on campus. Do not leave children on campus unattended and please do not take children to class. Babysitting is not permitted in the residence halls (see Residential Life section).

Exercise Facilities

Commuter students may use the physical exercise facilities located in Montgomery Student Center, the showers at any time, and the weight room and pool according to the hours posted each semester. 

Campus Communication

The Post Office is located in the Montgomery Student Center. Post Office hours are Monday - Thursday, 8:00 am - 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm -4:45 pm, and Friday 8:00 am - 1:00 pm.

Check the bulletin boards in the Montgomery Student Center and the Day Student Lounge. Notices are placed on boards with information about meetings and activities.

Check your Converse email and read Daily Announcements about important information and events on campus

Campus Involvement

Attending Student Government Association meetings is a great way to learn about student organizations and what is going on around campus. The SGA Involvement Fair is in September. Most student organizations are listed on the SGA My.Converse page. More information about student organizations my be attained by contacting SGA at

Center for Career Development

The Center for Career Development, located in Montgomery 204, serves to advance Converse students toward success in personal and professional areas. The staff strives to offer services, programs and opportunities for students to create networks for personal learning and growth. Make an appointment with Career Development through Handshake ( using your Converse email.

Convocation Events

All undergraduate Converse students are required to attend Opening Convocation and Founders Day. These dates should be reserved by every student and held open to attend. In addition, every traditional undergraduate student is expected to attend five additional Convocation events for each semester. Events are held at various times of the day and week to accommodate students’ schedules. For more details on the different convocation categories and requirements, please refer to the Convocations portion of the Undergraduate Student Handbook.

Converse Commuter Club

The Converse Commuter Club will represent day student interests and connect day students to the University community and student organizations. We will accomplish this through programs and activities, mentoring new students, and making day students aware of campus resources.

All commuter students are members. At meetings, issues, upcoming events, and announcements are discussed.

Commuter Student Lounge

The lounge is located in the Montgomery Student Center. You will find comfortable couches, tables, a microwave, a refrigerator, and a television. Do not take children or leave children unattended in this lounge. It is for resting, socializing, meeting and studying by commuting students.


The Dining Hall is located in Wilson Hall and serves three meals each day when the University is open. You may see the Dining Services Office to purchase a Commuter Student Meal Plan or add Flex $ to your ID card. Flex dollars and meal swipes can be used in Freshens.

ID Card

Campus Safety issues ID cards which are used for secure access to buildings, library checkouts, and dining services.


Commuter students park in the purple-lined parking spaces. You may register your car and/or bike on My.Converse and stop by the Campus Safety Office to obtain the sticker.