1. The University's workweek begins at 12:01 AM Sunday and continues until 12:00 midnight of the following Saturday.
  2. Salary is based on a 40 hour workweek.
  3. Generally, office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 08:00 am to 1pm on Friday. However, schedules may vary according to the needs of the department and the University.
  4. It is the manager’s responsibility to schedule and controls the hours worked and to revise work schedules consistent with department objectives and University needs.
  5. The manager may schedule and require reasonable and necessary overtime work with reasonable notice to the employee. Overtime is only paid to non-exempt employees.
  6. Employees cannot adjust their normal work schedule without prior approval from their supervisors. Any adjustment to a normal workweek must be indicated on the electronic timecard for non-exempt employees.
  7. In fairness to all employees, employees may not bring children to their worksite unless it is an emergency. In cases of emergency, this is allowable for a minimal number of hours only.
  8. Vacation, or Personal Leave taken on a Friday will be recorded as 6 hours for those employees who work the standard schedule listed above. An entire day off on Monday-Thursday should be recorded as 8.5 hours for employees working the standard schedule.

    8.5 hours Monday-Thursday = 34 hours
    6 hours taken on a Friday = 6 hours
    Total = 40 hours per week

Note: Some departments work 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday at 8 hours/day to total 40 hours per week.