Art Education Major

Degree Type
Bachelor of Arts, BA

Students in the Bachelor of Arts degree program have the option of majors in art history, studio art, art education, or art therapy.

Art Education

The mission of the Bachelor of Arts in Art Education program is to prepare college students for initial certification in art at the elementary through secondary school levels, and to develop art educators who are also competent artists that exhibit creativity and skill in a variety of studio media.

Upon graduation, the art education major will be able to demonstrate:

1. Competencies in art production in a variety of media, art history, aesthetics, and art criticism.
2. An understanding of art education theory and mastery of teaching including best practices in curriculum development and implementation, instructional strategies and procedures, and assessment techniques.
3. An understanding of artistic styles and principles in all major visual arts media and their relationship to other arts areas and to other content areas including the human, social, economic, and cultural components that give individual communities their identities.
4. The highest qualities and attributes of a professional art educator as they assume the role as an advocate in the field of art education both in and out of the classroom.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will demonstrate competencies in art production and art history.
  2. Students will demonstrate competencies in art education by advancing through the education component benchmarks.
  3. Students will articulate verbal and written mastery of an understanding of artistic styles and principles.
  4. Students.will model the professional components of the field of art education.

In order to become certified in art education (PreK–12) the prospective art teacher must complete the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in art education. Art Education majors must pass Core Praxis before moving to Benchmark II and the second clinical. Beginning in Fall 2020, in order to be placed for student teaching, teacher candidates must pass the state required PRAXIS II exams in the area of student teaching.

Foundation Courses

CTW Course requirements are satisfied in the GEP.

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Required Courses

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Art Selection

Choose two additional courses from the following or an approved Special Topics or Art History course. ART 200 is strongly recommended. 

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Art Education

ART 300L and 316L fulfill experiential learning course requirement. All are required for this degree program.

ART 314 will have an online component. 

Students should also consult A Handbook for Prospective Teachers which is available in the Education Department or the student may visit:

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Education and Psychology

  • EDU 425 must be taken concurrently with Art 316 and 316L
  • EDU 412H fulfills experiential learning and the capstone course requirement. All are required for this degree program.
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Total Credits