Responsibilities of the Faculty Member: Online Courses, Grades and Class Attendence

Online Courses

The teaching of a course, either partially (hybrid) or fully online, carries the same consideration for faculty teaching load purposes as a traditional face-to-face course in accordance with the credit hours assigned to the specific course as per the Credit Hour Policy (approved by faculty). Faculty are expected to apply the same high academic rigor to teaching online as they do for traditional course delivery.

Online Course Development Compensation

Faculty who undertake the writing and developing of a course intended for online delivery will be compensated according to the policies of the University at the time the course is developed.

Compensation for developing online courses may vary by program.


All deadlines for the submission of grades must be met. Faculty should deliver grades online (not by mail or email) to the Office of the Registrar.

All faculty-initiated changes of final course grades except for recommendations of the Honor Board must be approved by the academic Dean of the school in which the course was taken. Final course grades entered online by the instructor of record in each course or accepted by the Registrar’s Office may be changed only when (1) the professor demonstrates that an error has been made in reporting the grade or in determining the basis of the grade assigned, or (2) the Honor Board (in the case of currently enrolled students) or the dean (in the case of formerly enrolled students) determines that there is clear evidence that the grade was assigned on the basis of fraud or deception on the part of the student.

Class Attendance and Absence Policy 

  • Course attendance requirements are set by each instructor, within the limits of this policy and applicable laws, regulations, and accreditor requirements. Faculty requirements, chiefly with regard to the effect (if any) of unexcused absences on assignment or course grades will be included on the syllabus for each course.
  • Students cannot be withdrawn from courses by faculty because of absences.
  • Faculty may require students to make up work missed during or due to excused absences but may not impose any grade penalty in any form for work missed during or due to excused absences.
  • In the event of documented medical conditions, including but not limited to those established by academic accommodations plans, absences will be considered to be excused.
  • Absences due to participation in intercollegiate athletic competition (but not practices) will be considered to be excused.
  • Absences due to participation in official University functions will be considered to be excused. Approval of absences due to official University functions and thus excused will be made by and communicated through the offices of the academic Deans.
  • If for any student in a course the total number of absences due to medical conditions, participation in intercollegiate athletic competition, official University functions, or other excused absences reaches a point that compromises the integrity or essential learning outcomes of the course, the instructor will consult with the Director of Student Development and Success to develop a plan of action for that student. In determining course policies regarding when student absences would compromise the integrity or essential learning outcomes of a course, faculty should consider the following (adapted from the findings of an Office for Civil Rights letter in a case involving the question of when attendance is an essential part of a class and thus not open to accommodation):
    • What attendance policies are included in the course syllabus?
    • Is attendance used to calculate any part of the final course grade and so specified in the syllabus?
    • Does the fundamental nature of the course rely on student participation as an essential method for learning?
    • Does the course design include significant classroom interaction between the instructor and students and among students?
    • Do in-class student contributions constitute a significant component of the learning process in the course?
    • To what degree does a student’s failure to attend constitute a significant loss to the educational experience of other students in the class?
  • For absences due to participation in intercollegiate athletics and curricular or co-curricular events:
    • Student athletes are responsible for notifying faculty of individual competition schedules in advance of any absence. Competition rosters and schedules will be provided by the Director of Athletics to the Director of Student Development and Success in advance of advising periods. The Director of Student Development and Success will provide these schedules and rosters to all faculty advisors prior to each advising period. Faculty advisors are encouraged to help student athletes avoid course/competition conflicts whenever possible when creating future course schedules.
    • Faculty should accommodate to the extent possible the competition schedules of their students. Such accommodation can include arranging for make-up work, creating substitute experiences for students, and virtual participation in classroom activities through electronic means (when possible).
    • Faculty are strongly encouraged to communicate with the student, the Associate Provost for Student Success, and the Director of Athletics in any case in which the competition schedule appears to create a pattern of absences that will compromise the integrity or essential learning outcomes of the course. In those cases, both coaches and faculty are encouraged to seek specific compromises and solutions. In any case where compromise has not been able to be reached, the Provost will determine the course of action.