Tuition Remission Program

Policy Owner
Financial Planning
Responsible Office(s)
Financial Planning, Human Resources, Finance and Business
Definitions and Acronyms

3.1 Eligible Employee
To be eligible for tuition remission, the Converse University employee must be a full or part-time
(exempt or non-exempt) an employee in good standing with benefits and has completed six
(6) months of continuous employment prior to the first day of class of the term for which the
tuition remission is requested. Employees who are not eligible for full benefits are not eligible
for tuition remission under this policy.

3.2 Employee

3.2(a) Exempt
An employee who meets Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requirements to be exempt from
overtime pay and occupies an executive, administrative, or professional position, as defined
under the FLSA. Non-instructional exempt employees receive compensation at a minimum
salary that meets the requirements set under the South Carolina code and the FLSA.

3.2(b) Non-Exempt Employee
An employee who does not meet the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requirements to be
exempt from overtime pay and who is paid for all overtime hours worked in any workweek.

3.2(c) Student
Any person enrolled in courses at Converse University is considered a student (employee,
spouse, dependent).

3.3 Enrollment Status
3.3(a) Traditional Undergraduate and Converse II Students Enrollment Status Definition
Enrollment status for traditional undergraduate and Converse II students is determined based
on the following enrollment per term:

  • 1-5 credits less than half-time
  • 6-8 credits half time
  • 9-11 credits three quarter time
  • 12 or more credits full time

To be eligible for tuition remission, the undergraduate student must be enrolled full-time.
Traditional undergraduate students enrolled less than full-time will not be eligible for tuition
remission. Converse II students are eligible to enroll less than full-time.

3.3(b) Graduate Students
A graduate student is considered full-time in a given academic term or session when enrolled
in nine credit hours or more. A graduate student is considered half-time in a given academic
term or session when enrolled in less than nine and at least six credit hours. Summer sessions
will be combined to determine enrollment status.

3.4 International Student
An international graduate student is a graduate student who holds an F1 or J1 student visa.
International students are not eligible for tuition remission.

3.5 Definition of a Spouse
A spouse is defined as a person in a legally contracted marriage recognized by the State of South
Carolina to a Converse University employee, with the exception of an estranged spouse who
maintains a separate domicile.

3.6 Definition of a Dependent
A “dependent” is defined as the son/daughter, stepson/stepdaughter, or legally adopted
son/daughter of an eligible Converse University employee who is under the age of 24
and is claimed as a dependent on the employee’s federal income tax return for the year(s)
in which the tuition remission is requested.

Dependent students over the age of 24 are eligible for reduced tuition benefits as a Converse
II students and are not eligible for tuition remission.

3.7 Student Account
A student account is the University billing statement assigned to a student and maintained
by the Student Accounts office.


4. Professional Leadership Doctoral Students
4.1 Tuition Remission and Program Structure for EdD
The EdD in Professional Leadership is designed to be taken in a specified progression over 3
years. It would be difficult for employees, spouses, and dependents to take 6 or more years to
complete the program, which would be the result of taking only one class per semester/session.
Instead, if this proposal is followed, employees will reap over a 50% discount in tuition and
complete the program in 3 years. The structure for the program is as follows:

Employees, spouses, and dependents will be responsible for the cost of 27 of the 60-degree hours
under this plan (a discount of more than 50%). Employees, spouses, and dependents who persist
to the final course (Capstone in Spring 3) will be rewarded by receiving the final 6-hour class as
part of tuition remission. Students may not receive tuition remission for more than 33 credits in
the Professional Leadership doctoral program.

The value of the tuition remission is based on the current tuition rates for the program.

5. Professional Enhancement Coursework (Non-degree seeking, eligible employees
5.1 Eligible for Tuition Remission.

5.1 (a) Eligible Student
Eligible employees of Converse University may receive tuition remission for professional
enhancement coursework as a non-degree seeking student. Spouses and dependents are not
eligible for tuition remission for professional enhancement or non-degree seeking courses.

5.1(b) Eligible Courses
Courses offered for academic credit are eligible for tuition remission. However, continuing
education workshops and seminars that provide continuing education units (CEU) are not eligible
for tuition remission.

5.2 Credit Hour Limitations.
Eligible employees may take up to six undergraduate credits or three graduate credits (1 three
credit course) per semester (Fall, Spring, Jan, and Summer) for a total of 21 credits per year
(undergraduate) or 12 credits per year (graduate) at 100% tuition remission. Credits taken beyond
the tuition remission limit will be charged at the standard rate and will be the responsibility of the

Please note: Eligible employees may use the tuition remission benefit for either a degree-seeking
program or professional enhancement coursework but may not receive the benefit for
both. Tuition remission benefits will be capped based on the limits set forth above.

6. Effects of Drops and Withdrawals for Converse II and Graduate Students
6.1 Drops & Withdrawals.
Students receiving tuition remission must maintain enrollment in
all courses for which the benefit is paid. Students will forfeit the benefit for dropped
courses. (For example, a graduate student registers for six credits at $416 per credit hour
for a total benefit of $2,496. The student withdraws from one three-credit course during the
semester. The tuition remission benefit will be reduced by $1,248 or the cost of the threecredit

6.2 Change in Status.
In the event of a change in employment, dependency, or spousal status
for the student, Converse may require an adjustment to the tuition remission benefit. The
effect will be pro-rated and the employee may be responsible for the resulting uncovered
tuition balance.

The recipient is responsible for repayment of all costs incurred by such reversal.

6.3 Satisfactory Academic Progress.
All students receiving tuition remission must meet the
minimum satisfactory academic progress standards for financial aid as outlined in the
University’s satisfactory academic progress policy for financial aid. Students not meeting
minimum satisfactory academic progress standards will forfeit the tuition remission benefit.

6.4 Signature on Form.
Signatures on the Tuition Remission application verify that the
student/employee has read, understands and agrees to abide by the policies and procedures
set forth herein.

7. Intent to Enroll
7.1 Meaning & Timing.
Intent to enroll refers to the subsequent semester enrollment status
of a student during the January term or summer session. A student is said to
demonstrated “intent to enroll” during the summer session if the student is registered for
the subsequent fall semester, and to demonstrate “intent to enroll” during the January
term if the student is registered for the subsequent spring semester. New students
demonstrate “intent to enroll” during the summer or January term if they are admitted
to a degree program to start in the subsequent semester.

7.2 January Term.
Traditional undergraduate students are expected to enroll in each January
term. Traditional undergraduate students must obtain approval from the Associate Provost
for Student success to not enroll in each January term.

8. Responsibilities and Procedures
8.1 Description
Tuition remission provides financial assistance to a degree-seeking traditional
undergraduate, Converse II, graduate student, for Converse University employees,
their spouses and/or dependents. Only eligible employees may receive tuition
remission for professional development or non-degree seeking courses.

8.2 Limits
8.2(a) Traditional Undergraduate Students
Degree-seeking traditional undergraduate students will be eligible for the value of full-time
tuition for the academic year in which the student is enrolled. Tuition remission does not cover
fees (matriculation, lab, music lessons, etc.) or room and board.

Please note: All other grant/scholarship aid awarded from federal, state or institutional
sources will be deducted from tuition before calculating the value of the tuition remission.
Students with scholarships from outside organizations not affiliated with the University (i.e. –
Ruritans, church organizations) may use outside financial aid to assist with room and board
expenses (if living on campus). Tuition remission may not be used for fees, room and board, or
other expenses.

8.2(b) Converse II Students
Degree-seeking Converse II spouses/dependents will be eligible for the value of tuition for up to
twelve (12) credits in the Fall term, 12 credits in the Spring term, three (3) credit hours in the
January term, and six (6) combined credits for all summer terms.

Please note: All other grant/scholarship aid awarded from federal, state or institutional
sources will be deducted from tuition before calculating the value of the tuition remission.
Students with scholarships from outside organizations not affiliated with the University (i.e. –
Ruritans, church organizations, other private donors) may use outside financial aid to assist
with room and board expenses (if living on campus). Tuition remission may not be used for
fees, room and board, or other expenses.

Employees who are Converse II students will be eligible for no more than three (3) credit hours
per term of enrollment.

8.2(c) Graduate Students
Degree-seeking graduate students will be eligible for no more than three (3) credit hours in the
Fall/Spring terms, three (3) credit hours in the January term, and no more than one three (3)
credit hour class per summer term (not to exceed six credit hours in all summer terms). For
example, if a Graduate student is enrolled in six credit hours in Summer I and six credit hours
in Summer II, the Graduate student would be eligible for a total of six (6) credit hours of tuition
remission total.

Please note: Any grant/scholarship aid awarded from federal, state or institutional
sources will be deducted from tuition before calculating the value of the tuition remission.

8.2(d) Enrollment limitations
An employee/spouse/dependent may enroll in an appropriate course if there is space available
and if six or more students are already enrolled in the course. One may elect to enroll in a class
of fewer than seven students by paying the usual charges. Tuition-free students may not enroll in
directed independent studies and internships, unless the professor agrees to waive his or her
compensation. Students who are granted enrollment in a DIS (Directed Independent Study), off
campus courses (i.e. Wofford, etc.) or other courses delivered by a third-party that require the
University to pay for the teaching of the tuition remission student (i.e. Acadeum) will be charged
the cost to the University. The cost may be revised at the University’s discretion. DIS, Acadeum,
off campus courses (i.e. Wofford, etc.) and other courses for which for which in which the
University must pay for the teaching of the tuition remission student are not eligible for tuition
remission. The cost may be revised at the University’s discretion. Employees must make up the
time they miss from work in order to attend a class during working hours.

8.2(e) Employee Supervisor Approval
The employee must have the signature approval of his or her supervisor prior to enrolling in each
course. Employees in some positions may not be allowed to take courses during regular office
hours. Office schedules cannot be altered to allow employees to attend classes, and class
schedules cannot be changed to allow employees to attend classes.

8.2(f) Employee Death or Total and Permanent Disability
In the event of an employee’s death or total and permanent disability, the University will extend
tuition remission benefits based on the following criteria:

• The employee must have been employed full-time or part-time with benefits at Converse
University for the last seven (7) consecutive years immediately prior to the time of death or
total disability in order to qualify their dependents.
• The dependent(s) is only eligible for a traditional undergraduate degree at Converse
• The dependent/parent must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
using Converse’s school code (003431) by June 1st of each year for which the tuition
remission is being requested.
• This benefit grants tuition only. Dependents must pay all other course fees and expenses
including reservation fees, any room and board fees, books or other extra costs such as lab
fees or directed independent study fees.
• The dependent(s) must meet eligibility requirements as established by the institution.
• The dependent(s) at the time of the death or total disability must have completed the 10th
• This benefit has no cash value.
• The subsequent remarriage of a surviving spouse has no bearing on this benefit.
• This benefit does not extend beyond the dependent's age of 24 years.

8.2 (g) Exclusions
Directed Independent Study (DIS) courses, internships, all off-campus courses, courses delivered
through Acadeum and/or any course requiring Converse to pay for the teaching of a tuition
remission student are not available through the Tuition Remission Program.
Spouses and dependents are not eligible for tuition remission for professional development
and/or non-degree seeking courses.

9. Admission
9.1 Admission Timing.
An employee, spouse and/or dependent must be admitted into a
regular degree-seeking program prior to the start of the academic term for which
tuition remission is requested and must remain a regular degree-seeking student
during the award period.

9.2 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Requirement
All employees/spouses/dependents must complete the FAFSA each academic year for
which the tuition remission benefit is requested. The FAFSA must be completed by June
1st of each year for the upcoming year. Employees/spouses/dependents who do not
complete the FAFSA will not be eligible for tuition remission. Applications can be completed at
and must include Converse University (school code #003431) as a recipient of the information.
Graduate students are not required to complete the FAFSA to receive tuition remission

9.3 Funding Source(s)
The source or sources used to fund tuition remission must be under the control of the
University and judged by the University to be appropriate for tuition remission
support. The University reserves the right to limit, decrease, or suspend tuition
remission benefits at any time.

10. Payment of Tuition
10.1 Scholarship.
The payment of tuition remission is considered scholarship that offsets all
of the following costs charged to the student account during the contract period of the

10.1(a) Total tuition based on the enrollment and limitations expressed above (number of credit
hours waived) as per the Schedule of Tuition and Fees. Additional fees are the
responsibility of the student.

10.2 Employee Status. Receipt of this benefit does not affect or change the at will
employment status of the employee.

11. Taxable Benefit
11.1 Graduate Level.
According to IRS regulations, the value of the tuition remission benefit
is taxable for employees, their spouses and dependents if the courses are at the graduate
level. The value of the benefit will be reflected on the employee’s W-2 form at the end
of the year.

The employee may meet the conditions of a qualifying work-related education and therefore
may be able to deduct the education costs. Additional information can be found at the IRS

Employees should always consult with their personal tax consultant concerning taxable
income and deductions.

12. Automatic Termination of Benefit
12.1 The University in any of the following circumstances will automatically terminate
the tuition remission benefit:

  • The employee/spouse/dependent completes the degree program
  • The employee/spouse/dependent voluntarily withdraws or is administratively withdrawn from the degree program
  • The employee is terminated, resigns, or otherwise leaves the employment of the University prior to the start of the academic term for which the tuition remission is to be applied

13. Administrative Authority
13.1 Basic Terms and General Management Procedures
13.1(a) Basic Terms
The Vice President for Finance and Business, the Vice President for Operations and
Strategic Planning, the Associate Vice President for Student Financial Services, and the
Director of Human Resources have the authority to establish and modify the basic terms
for tuition remission benefits.

13.1(b) General Management Procedures
The Vice President for Finance and Business and the Associate Vice President for
Student Financial Services has the authority to develop and maintain general
management procedures for tuition remission benefits.

The Associate Vice President for Student Financial Services has the authority to
calculate the value of the tuition remission benefit for each academic term for which
the employee/spouse/dependent qualifies.

13.1(c) Local Terms and Management Procedures
An academic or administration unit of the University does not have the authority to
develop local terms and management procedures for tuition remission.

14. Required Forms
14.1 Application.
The Application for Dependent Tuition Remission for Traditional Undergraduates form must be completed annually by the employee and the most recent federal 1040 tax returns must be provided verifying that the student is claimed as a
dependent by the Employee.

14.2 Application for Employee/Spouse/Dependent Tuition Remission for Converse II and
Graduate students form must be completed for each term for which the benefit is requested
and the most recent federal 1040 tax returns must be provided verifying that the employee
and spouse have filed “married filing jointly” or “married filing separately.

Policy Statement

The purpose of tuition remission benefits is to provide financial assistance and enhance educational and developmental opportunities for Converse University employees, their spouses and/or dependents while supporting the University in its teaching, research, and service missions. This policy explains the guiding principles, states the basic terms, and establishes the administrative authority for all tuition remission benefits. Tuition remission is a financial benefit provided by the institution and is subject to limitations and exclusions as outlined in this policy. The University reserves the right to update and amend this policy at any time. Students benefiting from tuition remission are always subject to the current policy in effect.


To establish the guiding principles, basic terms, and administrative authority for tuition remission.

Version History

Revision Date
Approval Body
Revision Summary
Version History
Direct Reports, Cabinet, Faculty Senate May 2021