Grievance Procedures


The following procedures provide equitable and prompt response to employee grievances respecting such matters as salary, work assignments, promotion, tenure, conditions of employment, termination, unfair discrimination on the basis of sex, and sexual harassment. The procedures are in compliance with the regulations of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. These procedures are also available to employees grieving promotion, conditions of employment, termination, or discrimination not based on sex or sexual harassment. Employees who have not yet completed the 90-day introductory/probationary period of employment are not eligible to participate in the Grievance Procedure outlined in this policy.

Every effort will be made to achieve an informal settlement of a grievance through consultation at whatever administrative level is appropriate. An employee who has a work-related problem or question is strongly encouraged to bring it to the attention of the immediate supervisor before contacting the supervisor’s manager. If the grievance cannot be resolved informally, the following steps will be taken for Converse employees:

  1. The employee with a grievance (“Grievant”) will present the complaint in writing to the administrative supervisor at the level of the Dean, Vice President, or Senior Vice President within 14 days of the alleged action that is the basis of the grievance. At the time of the complaint, a copy of the grievance must be presented to the Director of Human Resources. Upon receipt of a copy of the grievance complaint, the Director of Human Resources will issue a copy of the Grievance Committee Guidelines to the concerned parties. If the grievance is against the Dean, Vice President, Senior Vice President, or President, the Grievant may present his or her complaint to a Vice President not directly in the line of supervision. The signed, written complaint must sufficiently state the nature and the facts of the alleged incident and must contain the names of all relevant witnesses.
  2. The administrator receiving the written complaint will be responsible for establishing a Grievance Committee, to be composed as follows:
    1. First Member - The Grievant selects the first member (peer level);
    2. Second Member - The Dean (or administrative supervisor) appoints the second member;
    3. Chair of Grievance Committee:
      1. For Administration/Staff: The Vice President for Finance and Business (who is in charge of compliance with Federal regulations), if not subject of the complaint, or the President appoints the third, who will be Chair; or
      2. For Faculty: The President of the Faculty Senate (if not subject of the complaint) or President appoints the third, who will be Chair.
  3. The Grievant and other parties concerned in the grievance can bring witnesses and freely offer evidence to the Committee. The Grievant, Accused, and witnesses must present their written statements to the minute-taker before offering their testimony. A representative of the Human Resources Office will take written minutes of the hearings and make these available to the Grievant and the Accused. No minutes will be taken during the “closed sessions” deliberations by the Committee as it considers the evidence that has been presented.
  4. When the Committee has completed its deliberations, it will report its findings to the President of the University unless the President is subject of the complaint, if so, then to the Chair of the Board of Trustees, who will take final action on the Committee’s report. The President of the University or the President’s designee will have the final authority to decide all grievances.
  5. Time Limits
    1. The Grievance Committee must be constituted within 15 working days after the submission of a written complaint.
    2. The Grievance Committee must meet and deliver its written report as described within one month after receiving the case.
    3. The President of the University or the President’s designee will take action on the Grievance Committee’s report within 15 working days after receiving it.
  6. Appeal
    If either the Grievant or the Accused has questions regarding the findings of the Committee or the President’s decision, that person may meet with the President to discuss his or her concerns (or with the Chair of the Board of Trustees, if the President is involved in the grievance).
  7. Confidentiality
    The right to the confidentiality of all members of the academic community will be respected in both informal and formal procedures. The University prohibits any kind of retaliation against any person who, in good faith, brings a complaint to the attention of the University. All complaints will be kept confidential to the fullest extent possible.


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