Academic Honors

Honors at Entrance

Students who because of their academic record in high school and their test scores receive named scholarships are awarded honors at entrance.

Class Honors

The three students with the highest average in each of the returning classes are designated annually as Class Honor Students based on the previous year’s GPA.

Dean’s List

Eligibility for the Dean’s List, prepared at the end of each Fall and Spring Term, is based on the following criteria:

  1. The student must be full-time.

  2. The student must have no incomplete grades in that term.

  3. First year freshman must have a 3.4 GPA in that term.

  4. All other full-time students must have a 3.6 GPA in that term.

  5. Students with a Q grade who are found guilty of an Honor Board violation are not eligible for the Dean’s List.

Students graduate with “academic distinction” from Converse according to the following criteria:

  1. cum laude , GPA of 3.5 but less than 3.75.

  2. magna cum laude , GPA of 3.75 but less than 3.90.

  3. summa cum laude , GPA of 3.90 and above.

These standards refer to the Converse grade point average. To qualify, a student must have a minimum of 60 hours of work at Converse or in Converse programs.

Other honors accorded graduating seniors include the Elford C. Morgan and the Pi Kappa Lambda Awards for the highest cumulative average earned, respectively, by a student in the disciplines of arts and sciences and a student in The Petrie School of Music.