Residential Life

Residency Requirement

Converse University is a residential college and views on-campus living as an integral part of the educational experience. All undergraduate students, under the age of 24, must reside in college residence halls unless they make their home in Spartanburg County or attended a Spartanburg County High School.  Students age 24+, with custodial children residing with them,  and/or students who are married reside off-campus. Students should submit in writing to the Dean of Students a request for a waiver from this policy if they meet any of the exceptions outlined in the policy. Students who are married may continue to reside in Converse University residence halls; however, marital status does not change the visitation policy and spouses are subject to the standard visitation policy requirements. If Converse students marry each other, they may not reside together in on-campus housing. Students living in college residence halls must be full-time students. Infractions of the residency requirement policy will be handled by the Dean of Students. Students found in violation of this policy may be charged university room and board fees. 

Residence Hall Staff

Each residence hall is staffed by a Director, an Assistant Director or Resident Director, and Community Advisors. They are supervised by the Director of Residential Life. 

Resident Directors (RDs) are professionals who supervise the residence halls and work closely with the Community Advisors to relate residential living to the larger academic community. In conjunction with the Community Advisors, RD’s handle administrative responsibilities of the residence hall such as maintenance requests, keys, and room changes. In addition, RDs are available to aid students with personal problems and to refer them to other campus resources when appropriate.

Community Advisors (CAs) are undergraduate students trained to offer service and leadership in all residence halls. CAs work actively to develop and maintain a true sense of community which is conducive to intellectual and personal growth and to academic pursuits. To achieve this goal, they plan programs for residents and serve as a valuable resource for information and problem solving situations. The Residential Life Staff has someone on-call when the residence halls are open.

Residence Hall Programming

Residence halls are living and learning communities. The residential life staff believes that learning and education take place in the residence hall community as well as in the classroom. To facilitate this “real life” learning, social and educational programs are planned by the residence hall staff for both individual floors and the entire residence hall. Residents are encouraged to participate in all programs and community builders and to assist in the planning of activities and programs.


Routine maintenance repairs in the residence halls need to be reported using the Facilities Request Form on the Residential Life page @ My.Converse. Maintenance emergencies should be reported to one of the CAs or the RD/AD in your building. If neither a CA nor RD/AD in your building can be reached, maintenance emergencies need to be reported to Campus Safety (9026). Emergency situations include power outages, gas/water leaks, flooding, heating or air conditioning problems, snow and ice removal, etc.

Residential Community Contract

Converse University has a strong honor tradition and history. The residential communities are designed to uphold and actively live this honor tradition. The Honor Tradition clearly states “This tradition encompasses all areas of student life and is built on mutual trust and responsibility.” This document outlines the rights and responsibilities accepted by all members of the Converse University community. The residential community includes residence hall, classroom, and dining hall facilities.

Rights and Responsibilities


  • to live in a safe, secure, and clean environment;
  • to be able to work, study and sleep in one’s room without excessive interference from social activities of one’s roommate(s), suitemate(s), or hallmates;
  • to exercise free speech- which does not include the right to harass, injure, or silence others;
  • to have a system of grievance
  • to have access to one’s room without the presence of “live-in” occupants who have not been assigned by the University to live there or those who do not attend Converse University.


  • to take all reasonable means to protect from theft or damage to personal property and property of others including that of the University;
  • to engage in routine personal care activities that promote a clean and healthy environment;
  • to refrain from unhealthy behavior that creates risk or danger for one’s self or others;
  • to refrain from lewd and indecent conduct;
  • to refrain from the public display of affection and/or indecent material;
  • to conduct oneself in such a manner that does not violate the rights of others;
  • to adhere to University regulations and to honor the legitimate requests of the University and its appointed agents;
  • to protect and promote the health and safety of one’s self and others;
  • to treat all members of the community with dignity and respect;
  • to discourage bigotry and discrimination of others;
  • to be aware of and observe University policy and South Carolina State Law with regard to drugs and alcohol;