Sanction Recommendations

As an educational institution, Converse University has the responsibility and the opportunity not simply to punish violators of the Code of Conduct but also to equip them with effective coping skills and patterns of behavior. With this in mind, imposed sanctions that are relevant to the particular situation and that will promote growth for the individual involved. At times, however, the severity of the offense, or repeat offenses, requires punitive action.

Possible sanctions for all violations include but are not limited to: official warning, educational tasks, community service, restitution and/or fines, failure on assignment(s) and/or failure of the course, suspension for a period of time, or expulsion from the University: often, sanctions include combinations of these. In the case of formerly enrolled students, a case may be held as pending return enrollment.

Sanctions may include but are not limit to the recommended sanctions below. Additional sanctions may be identified given the context of a violation and/or past conduct violations.


Underage Alcohol Consumption and Possession
1st Offense: Alcohol Education, $100 fine, written warning
2nd Offense: Alcohol Education, $150 fine, Parental Notification, Counseling Assessment
3rd Offense: $250 fine, Parental Notification, possible suspension or expulsion

Alcohol Possession
1st Offense: Alcohol Education, $50 fine
2nd Offense: $100 fine, Parental Notification, Alcohol Education, Counseling Assessment
3rd Offense: $200 fine, Community Service, possible suspension or expulsion

Alcohol Possession of a Bulk Container
(i.e.with potential to distribute or share, such as a keg, pony keg, punch bowl or large container, beverage dispenser, etc.)
$250 fine, Parental Notification, possible suspension

Public Display of Alcohol
1st Offense: $50 fine, written warning
2nd Offense: $100 fine
3rd Offense: $250 fine

Public Intoxication
(21+ year old students, underage violations fall under Underage Consumption & Possession)
1st Offense: $75 fine, written warning
2nd Offense: $100 fine, alcohol education
3rd Offense: $200 fine, parental notification, possible suspension

Underage purchase or attempt to purchase alcohol
$150 fine, alcohol education (may be in addition to other offense)

Items will be confiscated, parental notification, possible suspension or recommended expulsion, students can face criminal charges when the incident escalates to that level

Fire Safety

Intentionally Setting a Fire
$750 fine, restitution for any damages, and immediate suspension for no less than 1 term and possible legal action

Intentionally Causing a False Fire Alarm
$500 fine, suspension for no less than 1 term and possible legal action

Unintentionally Causing a Fire Alarm
$100 fine

Tampering with Fire Equipment
$200 fine and possible legal action

Failure to vacate a residence hall room or apartment
(in the event of a fire alarm or drill)
$100 fine
In addition, if the offense is determined to be in violation of a federal, state, or local law, the student could be subject to civil or criminal prosecution.

Smoking and Tobacco

Smoking and Tobacco Violations
1st Offense: $25 fine and written warning
2nd and Subsequent Offense(s): $100 fine

Each Converse student is expected to respect and uphold the Honor Tradition of the University and thus abides by and completes any sanctions imposed upon her. Failure to comply with and complete sanctions may result in additional action by the Civitas Council, Appeals Board, or the Dean of Students.

Guest Violations

1st Offense: Written Warning and $50 fine
2nd Offense: $100 fine and meet with Resident Director
3rd Offense: $200 fine and meet with a Director of Residential Life or their designee
4th Offense: Removal from University housing with no refund of fees

Guest will be subject to the following:
Asked to leave campus - First Offense
Asked to leave campus and warning from Campus Safety - Second Offense
Trespassed from Campus- Third Offense
Removed from campus and reported to Spartanburg Police Department

Failure to complete sanctions

Each Converse student is expected to respect and uphold the Student Code of Conduct and thus abides by and completes any sanctions imposed upon her. Failure to comply with and complete sanctions may result in additional action by the Civitas Council, Appeals Board, or the Dean of Students.

Note: It will be considered in an individual’s favor in determining the penalty if an individual tells an untruth concerning a matter but later, on their own initiative, tells the truth concerning the same matter before they are confronted with the untruth. Lying during the process of resolving an alleged honor offense is considered a breach of the Honor System and may result in additional charges.