The Converse Way

On the Fifteenth day of November, in the year Two Thousand Fourteen, the Converse University community established The Converse Way, a new pathway and tradition grounded in the core values of our beloved institution.

The Converse Way is the walk from Twichell Auditorium to the front academic quad. Weaving through The Johnson Plaza, it is symbolic of the path taken by our Founders to establish this distinctive university experience – calling for those who believe in Converse to contribute, always, to its well-being. Through the years it will become a well-traveled path, worn smooth by those who love Converse, and steeped in the spirit of great women and men who have become part of her legacy. We dedicated The Converse Way together with The Johnson Plaza, named in honor of Susan Phifer Johnson ’65 and George Dean Johnson, Jr., whose exceptional leadership, generosity and service today builds upon the legacy of our Founders.

The Converse Way traditions are inspired by The Founders’ Ideal:

See Clearly
A path to seeing clearly the unique value and contributions of each member within our community, The Converse Way calls us to lift one another up – to encourage, challenge, support, and inspire. In this spirit, we hold our Converse seal sacred at the center of The Johnson Plaza, never stepping onto it, for bad luck is likely to follow for those who break this tradition.

Decide Wisely
Etched in stone in The Johnson Plaza are Converse’s seven Core Values: Excellence, Integrity, Exploration, Diversity, Respect, Community, and Progress. These values of the University guide us throughout life’s challenges and triumphs. As you walk The Converse Way, wish for luck by tossing a coin onto the seal. Rest on the benches to think through options and solutions. Seek guidance from our core values. Return to this place throughout life in order to gain wisdom.

Act Justly
Converse faculty, staff and students will walk The Converse Way for the most sacred of Converse occasions, from Opening Convocation, the “Penny Toss” and Founder’s Day to May Day, Baccalaureate and Commencement. This will be the first place new students celebrate as they become members of the Converse family, and the last place new graduates gather as they complete their time as students. With every pass, The Converse Way will be a reminder that we are called to make a positive impact on our community